@chrismarquardt …but that would explain that special “magenta-eye correction” plugin in your Lightroom.
@chrismarquardt It’s got so I don’t even know when you’re bluffing :)
@foxc Thanks :)
@chrismarquardt I don’t believe that. But only because you wouldn’t do anything that would screw the white balance of your eyes.
Hmm. Feeling ill. Hopefully this is just tiredness at the end of a long weekend.
@hayles There’s only one thing to do: time to buy one of those serving machines.
@KaveyF Not true! *I* always remember when my birthday is.
My dad’s just lost an argument with my stepmother. Over when my birthday is…
@chrismarquardt You’re telling me you didn’t just tidy up the studio one-time and then chroma-key everything later? I’m disappointed!
Hmm. “Music When The Lights Go Out” appears to be written for someone with the diametrically opposite vocal range of my own. *strangles*
@chrismarquardt So, guessing @alyankovic is in Greece? Look for small bin next to toilet. Try not to look _inside_ small bin next to toilet.
@ShabbyBean There should be a “like” button on here :)
Right. Clifton Village. Coffee. Lunch.
@tholder Yes. Both vi and emacs: they’re a nice place to live, but you wouldn’t want to visit there.
Well, that was quite surreal. But also kinda fun. #santasontherun #bristol http://twitpic.com/3soqe7
@ShabbyBean At least I’m not alone ;) http://yfrog.com/h3k7uogj
Dru_Marland @gothick it’s good to start the day with a bowl of surreal
@ahnlak Hush, or I’ll throw this Easter egg at you.
This morning may be a touch surreal http://twitpic.com/3snieh