@pjakobs Are you entirely sure about tgat?
codepo8 Death wears bunny slippers - the day to day work in a missile silo: http://bit.ly/gyMzs6
@ratsass I do.
@danfairs Do you use web mail? Seen a couple of URL-unshortening userscripts…
@benparkatbjs (…however, kudos to O’Reilly, who recently updated most of their ebooks, and fixed all formatting issues I had.)
@benparkatbjs @EmApocalyptic If it helps you answer, I found lots of formatting niggles/bad OCR, even in some relatively recent books.
@penelopeelse I can also personally recommend Sennheiser. Had a few pairs over the years, been using them since the 1980s!
@penelopeelse Funny, I was just reading this the other day: http://www.marco.org/198…
@ahnlak I find they just use a word in the dictionary plus an incrementing number to defeat the stupid “can’t be the same as last few” rule.
The world speeds up: writing the old year on cheques each Jan has been replaced by typing the old password into your office PC each month.
@Dru_Marland Well, ammonia might make a decent alternative to this espresso…
@Dru_Marland You surprise me.
@hayles I shall let someone else make the obvious joke.
@hayles If you need an alternative, I found Le Spa in Cirencester very good a few years back.
Damn. Zip on my favourite jacket just died.
@stuartcw My pleasure!