I am eating a Sherbet Fountain. Yes, I am still 6. What’s your point?
Usability thought: Even if your app/web app saves automatically every second, it should still let me push a “save” button. It’s reassuring.
@asic69 @ahnlak Guess with the more electronicy things it’s cheap to make them work everywhere, and then you can sell them everywhere, too.
@KaveyF Certainly sounds like it. Let’s hope they don’t whack it up to 500v before they’re finished fooling around. @ahnlak
@MrsPBoutique Boredom. Lack of learning. Being forced into management role. Annoying commute. Think that’s all my reasons.
@ThreeUK No and no. S’all right; I shall find some alternative. Might be good to get away from desk to a wifi enabled cafe!
@ThreeUK But have new laptop, so possible I’ll be using more and the 5GB plan may be an option. Still thinking it over!
@ThreeUK Yes, hardly ever get near limit. This month Adobe Updater decided to download big software updates without telling me :(
@ThreeUK Damn. Not giving you this money I have and leaving Mi-Fi at home for the month doesn’t seem ideal for either of us! Ta for trying.
@ThreeUK Accidentally burned through normal monthly limit. Want to browse daily for rest of month without paying £2/day or 10p/MB.
@ThreeUK Ouch. Thanks, but that’s kind of the opposite of what I need, which is something like “pay £10 once for an extra 500MB this month”.
@stillawake Gawd. Last time I heard that, it took me 6 hours to get to Swindon. On buses.
@ThreeUK Say, on my monthly contract Mi-Fi (1GB/month) is there a way I can buy an extra GB, just for this month? Can’t see it on My3…