@ahnlak I think I’m in enough trouble already.
@ahnlak I’m dealing with an alpha library for a half-documented API.
Gawd, but OAUTH is fiddly. *fiddles*
@Swishrelic I’d’ve thought so. But do you actually want it? I’m always tempted to go for something odder when I’m going old-school.
Okay, it’s time to clear out the hall. While watching The Professionals. Cover me. #springcleaning #seventiesstyle
@jennycolgan God, yes. When you find one, send it over, will you? I’m having trouble getting out of the door for some reason. #ilovecheese
#doh @lovefilm acknowledged that Fringe, Season 1, Disc 4, hadn’t arrived, and sent another DVD from my queue: Fringe, Season 1, Disc 5.
@hannahnicklin Product idea: earrings as a Batman t-shirt accessory. Each says: “NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA” in cartoon stylee.
kouya I don’t understand how the people of Tunisia overthrew their government without me signing an e-petition or changing my Twitter avatar.
Hrm… My @dailybooth pictures RSS feed seems to have died :(
@KaveyF *blush*
Goodness, I feel better now. Think I left lunch a little late. Especially as, thinking back, I might have forgotten to have breakfast.
@bexxi :) I only posted that first one because I’m finally catching up on Flickr comments from December!
@bexxi @KaveyF Yup, t’was this one: http://www.flickr.com/ph…
@KaveyF Yup.
@KaveyF Mmmm. Treacley with hint of apricot :)
Heh. Liking this photo of me as a photographer at work :) http://flic.kr/p/95sreY
@KaveyF Thank you dear.
@thomasvenables De nada :)
@KaveyF This cake. I don’t know what it is yet. I’m just a sucker for lattices. http://plixi.com/p/70154…
But first, as requested some time back by @KaveyF, a photo of me as a child: http://bit.ly/eHNNkN
I have just done all my filing. I am now going to GO AND EAT CAKE.
@bertyc Yeah, exactly.
I encourage anyone who takes photos to try picking a favourite from their own photos each month. Helps keep you snapping, and thinking.
Finally finished my “favourite photo of the month” set for 2010 :) http://bit.ly/fiSq2B
@bertyc I started using it for random photos that didn’t fit well with my Flickr, and it kind of evolved into even more randomness.
G2Bristol Well worth seeing this exhibition by Bristol photography group Flickl http://bit.ly/gEuZMo
@Jorence …which has saved me on more than on occasion.
@Jorence Google calendar! It can also email you a daily agenda first thing in the morning.
@archidave If I have a secret lover, she’s a lot better at “secret” than “lover”.
I guess that’s all they needed to hear to know I wasn’t going to fall for whatever scam it was.
“Hello, is that Mr. Gibson?” *pause* “Who’s calling, please?” *click* *brrrrr*.
davidschneider News people. Change your Berlusconi default. Wouldn’t it be simpler just to let us know when he’s done something good?