Hrm. In an hour and a quarter, I will turn 38. Think I may put off having to cope with this by going to bed early.
@Hombre_Mediocre @stillawake @Nose_in_a_book Hurrah! Meant to get down there today but work got in the way. Thanks for letting us know!
@orbitbooks Hurrah! Ta; buying right now :)
@ahnlak @KaveyF Sounds like someone’s bitter. #badumtish
@thomasvenables At least he’s actually in Scotland. And his accent doesn’t compare badly to, er, the alleged *highlander*’s…
@orbitbooks Any ETA for fixing the formatting problems in Kindle version of Surface Detail? Really want to buy it!
Imagine how much paper we’d save if printing in Word had a 30-second safety delay and an “undo” button…
@jonhickman From what I’ve seen so far, @hotdogsladies’ upcoming _Inbox Zero_ will probably fit that bill.
@becskr Happy 21-again! (Youngster. I shall turn 38 tomorrow!)
ASPolice #JoYeates #JoannaYeates Man arrested in Joanna Yeates murder investigation (Failand): Early this morning a 32 ye…
Tiiiired. This has nothing to do with staying up and watching _Highlander_ until 1am, obv., and is clearly SOMEONE ELSE’S FAULT.
@csoanes Or at least for Mr. Atlasta to get together with Miss Decentfuckingbattery.