Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 1st, 2013

So, do I have a notification, or don’t I, Facebook?

via Echofon

pb14 Is amazing, once you know about confirmation bias, you see it everywhere.

via twicca (retweeted on 5:08 PM, Dec 1st, 2013 via Echofon)

The setup and the payoff. Thanks @charlie_cat_esq @Dru_Marland for cone-based inspiration :D…

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@charlie_cat_esq @Dru_Marland Some still on the ground and tons left in the tree looking ready to drop.

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@Juggzy Cool, ta. Will swing by again later in the week and pick one up.

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Holy moly. Reg the Veg is selling aliens.

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@Dru_Marland @charlie_cat_esq Though I am now slightly sticky and smell of Harpic.

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@Dru_Marland @charlie_cat_esq Score! Corner of Victoria Square for skinny ones. Thank you for impromptu lunch project.

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@Dru_Marland @charlie_cat_esq At some point soon, you might try St Andrew’s churchyard in Clifton Village, too :)

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@charlie_cat_esq Well, I know what I’d do, but then I’m much more about walking in the woods than partying.

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@charlie_cat_esq Leigh Woods, but my memory for trees isn’t great enough to narrow down the area!

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@dave_buxton (At some point I might even buy it and read it, rather than just the words on the cover :D )

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@dave_buxton Deliberate — it was a random experiment after I saw this book in the Arnolfini bookshop last week :)…

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ASPolice Third (and final) abnormal load travelling from Tog Hill to Avonmouth today. More info here:

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 8:41 AM, Dec 1st, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@phillryu It’s okay. Just bear in mind that if you use it regularly, you’ll be issued with a British passport and made to drink tea.

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@majicDave It is the warm breath of a lover, in the dark.

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@rachel_2407 @hayles I might try that. Though this is already a free replacement and more than a year old…

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Morning all.

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Ah, 24ways kicks off again.… It scares me that I still have some from last year in my unread items in Pocket, though.

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