Flickr’s down. Guess I’ll take that as a hint I should stop procrastinating and go to bed :)
@chubbybannister In other news, I’ve just dipped into the fascinating alternative twitterstream of people who can’t spell “apollo”.
@chubbybannister I’m probably too tired to be on the internet.
@ASPolice Those are “reins”. Have a word with your mounted colleagues, they’ll set you straight.
metpoliceuk Five people seriously injured. They have been taken to central London hospitals. Not aware of any fatalities at this early stage. 2/2
@corylus Did Chuck Norris start a courier service?
@jukesie That’s on the optimistic assumption you survive, of course. #deargodwhy
According to local legend, a city planner was naming this street when his tea went down the wrong way…
@MsMottram @samsneed12 @Saralimback I bet he only lives at the North Pole for tax purposes, too.
@MsMottram @samsneed12 @Saralimback Santa? Pah. There’s a global monopoly if ever I saw one. We need local, indie pressie-giving deities.
Mornin’ all.
Charlie Stross: Why I want Bitcoin to die in a fire.…