DrDLittle Wowsers. 10 years since the last episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The legacy of the teen heroine bbc.in/1a5kCcO

TimGatt In case missed earlier: Swanageddon or Severn swans a swimming in flooded Worcester street itv.com/news/update/20… pic.twitter.com/pXlTB7bfXK
@amberanima Ah.
@amberanima Digital terrestrial, Freeview channel 30.
@amberanima Much as I prefer the BBC in general: 5-Star, 9pm: Ghostbusters.
Gosh, I love Natalie Merchant’s voice.
@sla_shalafi Aha.
@sla_shalafi Where’s it coming from?
@sla_shalafi !?
uliwitness Sherlock minisode for Christmas! Yay! On YouTube for the whole world to see: youtube.com/watch?v=JwntNA…
@charlie_cat_esq You’re describing some of the most popular television programs of all time, right there.
Fractals. instagram.com/p/iTmsWapC94/
Saw this #deadumbrella and thought of @chubbybannister instagram.com/p/iTh8vFpC46/
Markgatiss Well, this is a first. Someone has pulled what they used to call ‘the communication cord’. I trust there’s been a murder on the train.
@PamAyres Hearing trouble in the dark
The dogs do bark & bark & bark
If wind uproots their favourite tree
They’ll have to pee