@charlie_cat_esq I’m 40, and I’m OUT PARTYING HARD*.
* In the kitchen, making bedtime hot chocolate.
I kind of love it that the Million Dollar Homepage is still there. milliondollarhomepage.com

ShawnWildermuth Google’s version of Clippy is silly. Google is Microsoft from 10 years ago: shawnw.me/JBgCtq pic.twitter.com/Nxu9WDrQKf
@amberanima @guriben Fuck. *hug*
@RellyAB …the only thing I’ve found that really helps in this circumstance is to find a good long film to watch instead of waiting :)
@RellyAB That’ll generally only help if it’s turned down in advance of the change, I’m afraid.
I sense a disturbance in the Force.
@chubbybannister Please don’t collapse time. I don’t have enough of it as it is.

coderoshi An 1815 principal decrying modern technology pic.twitter.com/THtVclAHYX

1974Hamilton To save yet another vacuuming incident Mr Twinkles waits patiently for the delivery of his hi-vis vest… pic.twitter.com/7zQyRva424
Damn it. Panettone does *not* dunk well in tea. #britishproblems
@Whatleydude Who the hell does anything every three weeks? There’s a reason there’s not a convenient word for it…
@Saralimback @amberanima @Dru_Marland Buried here, it says the cafe will be closed until mid Jan: swcityfarm.co.uk/general/winter…
Allen Pike on “unprofessionalism” (I love the “Refuse to Play Nickelback” option…) allenpike.com/2013/unprofess…
@Ihnatko Both look good. White balance looks more accurate in shot on right.