@galfriday612 Well, I wouldn’t call it fun. But it was painless, friendly, and efficiently-run, at least.
@mhoulden Luckily not. And still less painful than a nadsack endoscopy.
@Ninja_lynneja It should surely have confirmed the mood?
Normally only my dreams are that odd, but today that was reality.
My day started with a nasal endoscopy, and ended with a friend repeatedly rehearsing a training course about banana cake.
@chubbybannister This is why I ended up not enjoying The Sopranos.
@guriben That probably depends on how much connection you want between the old and the new…
It’s been a funny sort of day.
ChribHibble I love my Sky+ box. It can pause, rewind and record live TV. Unless it rains a bit. Then it thinks it’s a fucking toadstool or something.
Hold on to your hats, Bristol. That’s not a metaphor, people. Seen two fly past me in last ten minutes.
@Picklechu I Don’t Know What You Mean.
SciencePorn It’s hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally.
10 Reasons Why If Your Tweets Are All Headlines With Links Then I Won’t Be Following You urbandictionary.com/define.php?ter…
@davethebullet If that’s @getrunningapp, then it’s a (non-famous) lovely lady called Claire. Be grateful it doesn’t have a “Queeg” mode :D