Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 2nd, 2013

@RamonWrites It’s an odd Twitter style, but he’s very consistent with it.

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@shezza_t Salmon skin, removed post-cooking and crisped up in a frying pan. Jamie Oliver trick, and works a treat.

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@RamonWrites I think he may be simply missing a comma there, rather than making an accusation.

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@Bristol_Culture On the plus side, that’s one of the only pictures of Bristol I’ve seen where you can actually see my house :D

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@Malarkey At least it’s not being squandered on paying GCHQ to secretly record all our web history. Oh. Hang on.

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@Malarkey On the other hand, I wonder how many people struggling to hold down a minimum-wage job that £20K might be supporting…

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Why is it that so many signs for pedestrians and cyclists in point in exactly the

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@Malarkey Out of curiosity, is it corporation tax in particular or taxes in general that are sickening you?

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@timmillwood @Malarkey …which I think is fair enough if the rules are set to encourage freelancing, entrepreneurship, risk, etc.

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@timmillwood @Malarkey It’s not so bad. I pay a lowish salary and take dividends, within rules but not taking the piss…

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@wood5y I’m lazy and inept, so I rely on Ashton Fruit ;)

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Christ, CCTV isn’t getting any better, is it? That one guy answering to “fifty blurry greyscale pixels in a hoodie” is in trouble again.

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@talithahg Why on *earth* would there be any left to clog a sink?

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@ahnlak Excellent! Also: new company slogan: “Making things that are not A Thing into A Thing since 2012.”

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@ahnlak I think the drinks and food bloggers amongst us need to do some R&D :D

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@wood5y On the plus side, these are a favourite indulgence, locally-made, in a recycled jar, and only £3 a pop.

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@ahnlak No! Is that A Thing? Where do I get them!?

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@wood5y I shouldn’t be thinking about whisky quite so soon after demolishing (with some help) a bottle of Caol Ila’s Distiller’s Edition…

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@fogus “Problems created, in the main, by other software.”

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Nope. Don’t need any shopping. *Walks down North Street* *Passes Mark’s Bread* *Sniffs* Except bread. ALL THE BREAD! BREAAAAAAAAAAAD. BREAD.

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@PeteWilliams What, you’re saying it’s not ALL ABOUT ME!? Waaaaaaaah!

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Ihnatko Amazon Drone FAILS unless it can ring the doorbell with a giant cartoon-like white-gloved hand that extends on a scissor-arm.

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Was just mistaken for @simplebits, by person who thought I was narcissistic enough to be publicly reading a @netmag interview with myself :)

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@Bristol_Culture Well, that’s sort-of useful, but I’d really like to know which areas Daily Mail readers won’t be in.

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@talkie_tim Several of them. And a Black Static or two. And the latest Crimewave.

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Really? A pre-roll advert?

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Just collected all the books and mags I think I’ve started but not finished. Erm. I think have a problem.

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vodkaboris Amazon drones already have their own ‘while you were out’ cards.

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