@archidave Anarcho-terro-communists! RUUUUUN!
@silentbicycle I find that getting away from the computer and *not* thinking helps just as often.
Aha. Lightroom 5.4 appears to now be available under Check for Updates in the standalone (non-CC) version.
@njj4 Yeah. Better than waiting until something’s crap to cancel it.
Silent films: futilitycloset.com/2014/04/13/sil… (I always loved the way the series _Ultraviolet_ never once used the word “vampire”)
@bexxi @ahnlak Yeah, pretty cheap setup, all told: tumblr.gothick.org.uk/post/825648657…
@bexxi Thank you. During my decluttering I found a big old clip frame and instead of recycling it I bought some black fabric for it :)
Progress jars. instagram.com/p/muQc9BJC8P/
@petrillic Here: software.intel.com/en-us/android/… You’ll know it’s working when you don’t have time to compose a light opera while the emulator boots
@petrillic @OpinionatedGeek The haxm that ships with Android dev tools is borked for OS X. There’s a hotfixed version on Intel site.