Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 22nd, 2014

@waiyeehong @hayles @amberanima I think the scrambling actually went OK. Not sure about cook & extraction.

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@hayles @waiyeehong @amberanima How long do you think I should boil the egg?

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@waiyeehong @amberanima @hayles Wow. And Max Headroom’s doing the voiceover, too.

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@waiyeehong @amberanima @hayles If you can you must try it. And video it for us.

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(Is there still a Nott Legal in Bristol?)

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catherine_mayer The 8 best law firm names in England (the winner is Wright Hassall)… via @MarksLarks

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@amberanima @hayles My guess: we’d use it exactly once. Might as well go out for a nice meal instead.

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@hayles Christ, did they mean to send the application to JML and get confused?

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@robot_tiger My pleasure. I’m seeing Nicki tomorrow, she’ll be happy to hear that :)

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petapixel Lytro unveils the ‘Illum,’ a beautiful beast of a light-field camera:

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@tsunimee Yeah. My last company were still dragging themselves out of the eighties on that score, too.

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@tsunimee I think I should probably have faxed them a cheque or something.

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@tsunimee Residents’ Parking Scheme.

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@tsunimee …weird, political replies to really benign tweets from days ago because people are trawling Twitter to argue about it.

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@tsunimee I thought I’d get the clarification in early. The RPS is really controversial round here; I’ve had…

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@Mouse_House Thank you. My last work gave us £100 John Lewis voucher for a Christmas bonus one year, so it was basically free, too :D

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…just have typed into the email in one or two sentences. I’d only been “refused” a permit because I hadn’t actually paid yet!

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To clarify, the sigh was for the council emailing me a badly-extensioned proprietary-format document to tell me something they could…

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Crawling around on my hands and knees photographing a rug for a friend’s website. Ho hum.

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@xabl Oh, only because I hadn’t paid. Somehow I’d got the idea that they’d confirm how much I owed before I had to make the payment.

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@matt_fwyalchen It could hardly be worse, unless they emailed me a score with the message in Morse code.

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@ahnlak It was only because I’d not paid.

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@ahnlak Residents’ Parking Scheme.

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Council have emailed me a Word document with a .doc.docx extension to tell me that they’ve refused my RPS application. Sigh.

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benjohnbarnes Help – I need examples of fairly high profile iOS App sales prior to Apple’s changes to make this easier last year.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:59 AM, Apr 22nd, 2014 via Twitter Web Client)