Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 14th, 2014

@liftapp What, in case someone starts completing my goals for me? Can’t say I’d be that unhappy… :)

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And the award for “Least Threatening Tag of the Year” goes to…

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@Joe_363_ Only if it’s in a square. If it’s just circle with a cross, that’s “do not dry clean”. But don’t blame me if it shrinks.

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@csoanes No, I need *less* encouragement to go outside rather than working.

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Glad I at least got out for a jog. It’s a tough day to be working from home. Lovely out there.

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@anna_debenham They were the hip metadata elements among the Semantic Web crowd, from what I remember. Certainly popular in that arena.

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@johnfbraun [[DependencyFramework instantiate:[MyLawn class]] getTheHellOff];

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RT @MadsYork: I’m always on the lookout for the “hot best” version of things. <— Looks like an SEO guy got a day job

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@Kavey (Did you see the video, by the way?)

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@Kavey I’ll see what I can do, but they’re mostly hiding in the shrubbery.

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Yeah, I know: because design. But I sometimes miss the days when three pages of code would be in one function, rather than 35 classes.

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@ahnlak I’ll need another one-and-twenty, at least.

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@foxc They are mostly using my Black & Decker Workmate as a perch at the moment!

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Morning all. My chicks appear to have fledged. There are tiny blackbirds wandering around the courtyard. Nice.

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