Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 24th, 2014

@farktronix @Padraig Cool, is cdecl still going? Remember using it to figure out this stuff circa 1992!

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Yes, it stopped raining. Nevertheless, still “sheltering”.

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Sheltering from sudden rain in Zazu’s Kitchen.

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@djbender 3:30am, next Tuesday morning: *Bing!* “No I’m not!” *Bing!* “No I’m not!” *Bing!* “No I’m not!”

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All right. Courier with smaller van turned up early. New washing machine fitted and working. Thank you fixer Hilary of @johnlewisretail :)

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@waiyeehong Sorry, too late! See you there — I’m assuming @DanBurgerJoint won’t disappoint anyone and is finding 200,000 extra tables :D

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netculture So. Very. True. “The Coffee Cycle”…

via Echofon (retweeted on 12:36 PM, Apr 24th, 2014 via Echofon)

@ahnlak So do I, but c5 seems better for certain applications, e.g. giving non-techy user ability to edit blocks of content on single page.

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@ahnlak Also: In that case, don’t bother trying to get into concrete5.

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@ahnlak Sorry, that reply was easy to read. Could you re-do it as Vine?

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Ah, yes, let’s do all our documentation in video tutorials. That’ll make them easy to search and keep up to date.

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Wielding the +5 Pot Of Waking Up.

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StephenMangan Doh! Man with giant ‘MURDER’ tattoo on neck wants it removed ‘cos he’s on trial for murder.…

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Right. Can I go back to bed now, please, and try again tomorrow?

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@blackspear @bexxi Normally if your corporate culture is that screwed, your recovery process ain’t great, either.

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@blackspear @bexxi I’m not sure I’ve ever found a company that was great at recovering from cock-ups but cocked up all the time.

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MickDickinson Breaking: Gardeners wrong to put ‘crocks’ in plant pots -… (gutted)

via Sprout Social (retweeted on 8:52 AM, Apr 24th, 2014 via Echofon)

You should always judge a company more on how it recovers from problems than on whether it has problems in the first place, I feel.

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See, this is why I use John Lewis: Nice lady called Hilary has already arranged re-delivery with a smaller van for tomorrow morning.

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Upgraded to the new Akismet anti-spam on your blog? There’s a new setting to discard the worst of the worst:…

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@wood5y @waiyeehong I wonder if delivery and disposal could be combined in some kind of energy-saving funicular trebuchet?

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The_No_Show In my day with didn’t “engage” with a brand, we interfaced to discover sympathetic brand synergies just as god intended.

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 8:25 AM, Apr 24th, 2014 via Echofon)

@wood5y @waiyeehong I wouldn’t mind them recycling the *old* one like that…

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@waiyeehong They’re rescheduling. Presumably with a smaller van.

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Arse. Woken up by John Lewis at 7:30 to let me know my new washer dryer is coming. Just called to say they can’t get the van down my road.

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