Damn it. Main board of washing machine: dead. £300 for a new one :(
“Top players will carry anything up to 20 different squidgers, but will not typically use all of them in one game.” en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiddlywin…

hrtbps “OK, here are the stats. Make a graph so it looks like gun deaths have fallen since 2005.”
*graph guy sweats* pic.twitter.com/33XZ4823e5
So, the only way of electronically submitting a #Bristol RPS permit application is to scan a 6-page paper form, then? Joy.
@netmag …work with as many people who I thought were smarter than me as possible.
@Swishrelic Might still be what I do, depending on what the bloke who’s coming says…
Impromptu picnic lunch. instagram.com/p/mzwd6mJC-x/
@Swishrelic ?
@Bristol52 Thanks :)
@Trippers88 Thanks!
Arse. Who knows a good washing machine repair person in Bristol?
Hrm. Wondering how a photo can be in the Bristol Flickr group and in the Wiltshire group. Guy must have used a really wide lens.
@libbymiller Is this because you’re a Real Programmer?
@Mattsetback @hayles That probably explains why it went over my head #rubbishatwatchingfilms
@libbymiller Crisps? Cripes!
My extensive research last night shows that Bristol is definitely getting more Spring-like. flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…