Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 15th, 2014

Damn it. Main board of washing machine: dead. £300 for a new one :(

via Echofon

“Top players will carry anything up to 20 different squidgers, but will not typically use all of them in one game.”…

via Echofon

hrtbps “OK, here are the stats. Make a graph so it looks like gun deaths have fallen since 2005.”
*graph guy sweats*

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:05 PM, Apr 15th, 2014 via Echofon)

So, the only way of electronically submitting a RPS permit application is to scan a 6-page paper form, then? Joy.

via Echofon

@netmag …work with as many people who I thought were smarter than me as possible.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to netmag

@Swishrelic Might still be what I do, depending on what the bloke who’s coming says…

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to Swishrelic

Arse. Who knows a good washing machine repair person in Bristol?

via Echofon

Hrm. Wondering how a photo can be in the Bristol Flickr group and in the Wiltshire group. Guy must have used a really wide lens.

via Echofon

@libbymiller Is this because you’re a Real Programmer?

via Echofon in reply to libbymiller

My extensive research last night shows that Bristol is definitely getting more Spring-like.…

via Echofon