SirPatStew Very happy now it’s out there.…
@adambanksdotcom It’s amazing how far down that article I managed to get before I worked out what sport it was about!
@lmackenz Yum.
@DWBUXTON @mattgemmell :) I’m just off to work in @BaristasBristol, whose tables are exactly the right height to stand at with the Air.
@mattgemmell Yeah. I think half my problem is that the Air gets used when I’m working from cafes so I don’t get so much chair choice.
danielpunkass Episode 34 of the Debug podcast is a thoughtful examination, primarily by women, of the problem of sexism in tech:…
*waves at @NPAS_Filton from the Portway*
mattgemmell I wrote about being productive on small screens, like an 11” Air, with some suggestions for helpful utilities.…
@mattgemmell …the Air is lovely, but it gives me back pain to use for more than an hour or two. I *think* that’s because the screen’s low.
@mattgemmell Thinking it over, I think my main reason for preferring my desktop even for simple writing tasks is actually screen *height*…
@galg Mine too, sadly. Just an idea :)
lukejerram How many notes a second?… This is an old streetpiano in St.Pancras that’s just been replaced by a newer one.
I seem to be on a bit of a poached egg theme for brunch this week.

tldrwikipedia Chief executive officer.