@antimitch (And if you want my detailed first impressions from 2011: gothick.org.uk/2011/03/20/rev… ) :D
@antimitch Yeah, I’d say so. Looks good, works well, web & app interface keep improving. Pretty nice.
@antimitch Think I got them from Amazon, but it’s been years.
@hayles Yeah, most of ‘em are just passing through.
@bexxi You are the “almost” in my rule.
@Shonette Hemingway cocktails? Short and punchy? And prone to writing about bullfighting and civil war?
@hayles My only bathroom *is* the ensuite.
*deletes “unrecognised person” readings*
Things I’ve learned from having a @Withings scale: almost anyone left alone in a bathroom with a scale will weigh themselves.
Watching _Black Books_.
“No, Eurasia looks fine to me. Only a few minor changes…” — Genghis Khan.

Aww. Thanks for the pressie, @liftapp! pic.twitter.com/N7Q2QGJExv
fanf dotat.at/:/G64LT - OpenSSL: The Internet is being protected by two guys named Steve.
“Only a few minor changes…” A phrase to strike terror into the heart of any designer or developer.
New Natalie Merchant album to be released May 6th :) nataliemerchant.com/splash/