@rabidbee Is it possible that the symptom of your breakdown is that you think everyone else is having a breakdown?
@asic69 Isn’t that a symptom of lupus?
@archidave “Breakdown” has been an almost-constant state with me for more than a decade now. Not entirely sure I can blame @rabidbee.
EmilyKoch new Bristol commuter ferry service http://bit.ly/c6d3KY
Ambulance driver just tooted and gave me a friendly wave on way past. Pretty sure I didn’t know him. Hope it wasn’t a “catch you later!”
@hannahnicklin Just the pad? Last time mine did that I nipped into J Random Optician and they fixed ‘em for free. #peoplearenice
@andybeebristol I can see that. @rabidbee: Karma Mechanic.
@hayles You only really have to worry when he finishes the can and swaps over with the current driver.
@andybeebristol I had considered the prospect of a new trireme service.
@paulahillier I was a bit far away for it to have been a random wave at a stranger. Never met your dad, have I?
emilyquinton I am looking for a South West wedding photographer for a friend who is getting married on 9th July 2011. Pls let me
know if you are free!
@Dichohecho I hope he’s at least making it a perfect cylinder and using a skin that you can assume has zero width.
@rhodri My personal favourite: “GetOffMyLAN”.
Just signed up for Santa On The Run http://bit.ly/anVd6S :D #Bristol
@tsunimee Believe me, I’m generally better with clothes on. Jogging has had surprisingly little effect on my lardiness. @hayles
@hayles *cowers nervously* *keeps quiet*
@hayles Yes, dear.
Glinner What. The. Fuck. RT @guardiannews: Mark Saunders police officer ‘planted song titles into evidence’ http://gu.com/p/2kzx5/tf
Posture check!
@hayles Okay, *that* was cute. Did someone actually put a shoe into Unicode?
@hayles Oh yeah!
@hayles …and *breathe*.
@hayles By all accounts, leaving that place has to be a Very Good Thing.
@hayles I think you will be fine.
@hayles I heartily look forward to saying “I told you so.”
Wow. New Tesco Express Harbourside is a pit of awkwardness and bad mothering. On the plus side, Sensodyne is 12p. http://yfrog.com/7gbhsoj
Do Apple offer any kind of anti-instalment plan where I can just swear at iTunes for a full week at the beginning of every year?
Back from a jog. Musing about how 16 months of jogging have magically transformed me from a fat bloke into a fat bloke with muscly legs.
@tsunimee Surely it’s my pure, sparkling soul you’re attracted to, and nothing so ephemeral as my good looks?
Film night chez Matt, and tonight’s feature is _In The Loop_.