Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 28th, 2010

@andybeebristol Sadly I do have to work full time at my employer’s premises :(

via Echofon in reply to andybeebristol

@becksldrt Careful; in my recent experience his risotto’s pretty generous

via Echofon in reply to becksldrt

Handy economic discovery: I can’t tell the difference between SD and HD content playing on my TV.

via Echofon

Hmm. I am under a quilt on my sofa watching ST:TNG. The only thing missing is an actual illness.

via Twitter for iPhone

irkafirka - @gothick The bounding squirrel: nature’s cutest sine wave.

via Twitpic (retweeted on 3:27 PM, Nov 28th, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

The bounding squirrel: nature’s cutest sine wave.

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@libbymiller Yes; seems to be filling gap left by Fresh & Wild in a few ways.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to libbymiller

@andybeebristol Never eaten there. Looked & smelled good, though. Def. worth a try.

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Just been in Better Food Company for first time. Pleasant. Managed to stop self buying Hobbs House bread. “Matt, you already *have* bread.”

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Foiled from jam purchasing at Papadeli by my own shy unwillingness to shop by craning around someone eating their breakfast.

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@benparkatbjs My favourite is running the lid under a hot tap.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to BenPark

Thought my Kindle was dead, but it turns out that you do actually have to charge it every now and again.

via Echofon

Ugh. Think I and my headache are going to have a day off running today. Might go for a nice walk in the crisp air instead.

via Echofon

Ugh. Still broken. On the plus side, Matthew Cook’s _The Shoe Factory_ in IZ 231 is a fantastic story.

via Echofon

Right. Coffee. Bath. Interzone. See you this afternoon.

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Ugh. Awake, yet very tired. Slept very badly last night.

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