@andybeebristol Sadly I do have to work full time at my employer’s premises :(
@becksldrt Careful; in my recent experience his risotto’s pretty generous #feltfullfortwodays
Handy economic discovery: I can’t tell the difference between SD and HD content playing on my TV.
Hmm. I am under a quilt on my sofa watching ST:TNG. The only thing missing is an actual illness.
@Pockless No worries!
@irkafirka :D Thanks!
Aww! I’ve bee @irkafirka‘d? Cool! http://twitpic.com/3b29d3
irkafirka - @gothick The bounding squirrel: nature’s cutest sine wave. http://twitpic.com/3b29d3
The bounding squirrel: nature’s cutest sine wave.
@libbymiller Yes; seems to be filling gap left by Fresh & Wild in a few ways.
@andybeebristol Never eaten there. Looked & smelled good, though. Def. worth a try.
Just been in Better Food Company for first time. Pleasant. Managed to stop self buying Hobbs House bread. “Matt, you already *have* bread.”
Foiled from jam purchasing at Papadeli by my own shy unwillingness to shop by craning around someone eating their breakfast. #toosmall
@benparkatbjs My favourite is running the lid under a hot tap.
@KaveyF Ta :)
Thought my Kindle was dead, but it turns out that you do actually have to charge it every now and again.
Ugh. Think I and my headache are going to have a day off running today. Might go for a nice walk in the crisp air instead.
Ugh. Still broken. On the plus side, Matthew Cook’s _The Shoe Factory_ in IZ 231 is a fantastic story. #interzone #sf
Right. Coffee. Bath. Interzone. See you this afternoon.
Ugh. Awake, yet very tired. Slept very badly last night.