@KaveyF ‘k. *’nother hug*
@KaveyF Buh? *hug*
Ah well, made the support person laugh. It’s not been an entirely wasted evening, then :)
@tsunimee You don’t need to know. Just swear at them as a general mish-mash; it’s what we all do :)
Narshada Btw, massive thanks to @gothick for my first (& so far - only,) Movember donation! Wanna up the ante? http://uk.movember.com/m…
@Dichohecho, meet @KellyJanner. @KellyJanner, meet @Dichohecho. Clearly your minds work in similar ways :)
Hint: If I say “wget”, don’t assume I’ve misspelled “widget”.
(That was a lot of “ho hum”, wasn’t it? Ho hum.)
Nope. Cut off from Apple support. Ho hum. Never got to talk to anyone who would’ve got what I was on about, anyway. Ho hum.
Hmm. “It appears that mobileme is working as intended”. Well, that’ll be a first…
@xabl @Lillput Well, it was rather subdued by the clingfilm and refrigeration by the time it got to me. But it would have had every right.
I had poussin tonight, with roasty veg. Luuuush. #cooking
@tyronem I have been astounded what’s randomly appeared on my screen even with safesearch on and innocuous keywords!
@KellyJanner I’m getting tempted :)
Live chatting with Apple support. At the “try to demonstrate that I’m not a moron to get the call escalated” stage.
@technex We could ask CERN to turn the LHC up a bit for you?
@hackery Should work. Do it within a vévé drawn using the powdered remains of a blended Linksys router, to be on the safe side.
@hackery It’s basically voodoo. Have you tried sacrificing a microfilter?
@Phooto Hang on! You’ve doing the Internet the wrong way round! How did I end up entertaining the cats?
@caitlinmoran Careful; if you want him to do it on demand it’ll be Equity minimum, remember.
hayles I have decided that everyone can have today off, let’s all go back to bed. (Separate beds, I don’t fancy snuggling up to most of you lot)
@hayles Where do I vote for you as Supreme Commander again?
@m1ke_ellis What’s it like? In your universe? Does everyone have an evil-twin goatee, too?
@hayles Ooh, chewing gum. That’s one I hadn’t thought of. Ta. #allwillberevealed #eventually
@Phooto Heh. There’s some nice shots of the guitar somewhere in my Flickr stream!