Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 19th, 2010

Cheesy tortilla chips for the WIN!

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A Freemason’s Hall open day? Isn’t that a bit of a contradiction in terms?

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Gah! Stop auto-“correcting” words that are in the dictionary, damn you!

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@KaveyF I mean *buy* another loaf tin. You said those silicon ones were good, didn’t you? Or was that someone else?

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@MatStace Exactly! “They thought they were safe once they got around the corner… They were wrong!”

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Hah. Chris and I clearly have different approaches to the office.

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@KaveyF Aah. Could be. I should be another loaf tin.

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@MatStace Presumably a combination of the two would be that hard-to-find sequel “90 Degree Driller Killer”…

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@ahnlak @KaveyF Wondering if loaf tin was just a tad too small. Think there would have been overflow if the lining hadn’t been high.

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@ahnlak Except it cooks other stuff fairly well, in general. Anyway. Thermometers are cheap, so will find out.

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@KaveyF Yeah. But everything went completely according to plan up to putting in oven, far as I could tell.

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@KaveyF Ooooh. Chocolate by post? Cunning! :) If you could, that’d encourage me to figure out what went wrong.

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@KaveyF Not so bad this morning, texture wise, but obviously still looks like a disaster!

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@KaveyF Flavour good. Outside crunchy, but top basically floating on centre so liquid you could stir it. Even after extra 20 mins in oven.

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@KaveyF Meant to stabilise temperature somewhat even if just left on shelf out of contact with food.

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@KaveyF Yeah, I’ve suspected mine for a while. Will get thermometer. Also, someone said pizza stone in oven good idea.

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Another shoddy Kindle OCR conversion. @GreatDismal’s _Spook Country_ has Hollis’s name rendered as “HoUis”, among other errors :(

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@nickdunn Erm. It’s an industry awards ceremony. Is there one that doesn’t fit that description?

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@stillawake Happy City seems like an interesting project. Been looking into happiness with a few other people; only just tripped over it.

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Listening to the latest Happy City podcast on the walk to work.

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