Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 16th, 2010

djelibeybi_meg I don’t watch Masterchef, but this is *so* funny… (via @the_magician)

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:47 PM, Nov 16th, 2010 via Echofon)

@Estelle_Coffee Er. Five pound fifty, on the new bridge.

via Echofon in reply to Coffee_mistress

Nearly got run over by a BT Openreach van. Was expecting the latency to be much higher.

via Twitter for iPhone

CYCLISTS: If my face is visibly tanning as you travel towards me, then your light is (a) too bright and (b) badly-aligned.

via Twitter for iPhone

@talkie_tim @hayles I shall probably still be too scared to go inside, as I am so desperately unfashionable.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to talkie_tim

@ahnlak Because Kavey is now demanding a tube of Happinose an hour? :)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ahnlak

@AndyCarolan *that* generation will just carry on torrenting it without noticing the iTunes announcement.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to AndyCarolan

Was that it? Someone should have told Apple PR that the Beatles’ music has been available for a while now.

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @KaveyF: Fast growing addiction to Happinose.*sniff* <— Oops. I got Kavey hooked on drugs.

via Twitter for iPhone

@seengee that’s the best possible result I can think of. And it still wouldn’t be a day I’d never forget.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to robjmills

@guriben Just like we were in 1981. Plus ça change…

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to guriben

@jonhickman This is very similar to the way I only know about Ping’s Twitter integration from the meta-complainy-tweets :)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to jonhickman

Cuba. Cuba might be a good plan. Sunny, good food, unlikely to hold a royal wedding. Need to learn Spanish.

via Twitter for iPhone

@2MuchApplePie Don’t forget that it’ll also go on for even longer *afterwards*. Where’s a sunny republic I can escape to for a few years?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to 2MuchApplePie

So, Steve Jobs is marrying Prince William, the Beatles are playing the wedding, and it’s being snapped by Dave Cameron’s photographer, yeah?

via Twitter for iPhone

@Jorence It’s just possible you’re undermining your own point there.

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Octave (n): The difference between a playground and a building site.

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Today seems quite unlikely to be a day I’ll never forget. Unless Steve Jobs revives John Lennon.

via Twitter for iPhone