@arlinelyons Eythangyew. Oh, and *hug* :)
djelibeybi_meg I don’t watch Masterchef, but this is *so* funny http://www.youtube.com/w… (via @the_magician)
@Estelle_Coffee Er. Five pound fifty, on the new bridge.
Nearly got run over by a BT Openreach van. Was expecting the latency to be much higher.
CYCLISTS: If my face is visibly tanning as you travel towards me, then your light is (a) too bright and (b) badly-aligned.
@talkie_tim @hayles I shall probably still be too scared to go inside, as I am so desperately unfashionable.
@ahnlak Because Kavey is now demanding a tube of Happinose an hour? :)
@AndyCarolan *that* generation will just carry on torrenting it without noticing the iTunes announcement.
Was that it? Someone should have told Apple PR that the Beatles’ music has been available for a while now.
RT @KaveyF: Fast growing addiction to Happinose.*sniff* <— Oops. I got Kavey hooked on drugs.
@seengee that’s the best possible result I can think of. And it still wouldn’t be a day I’d never forget.
@guriben Just like we were in 1981. Plus ça change…
@jonhickman This is very similar to the way I only know about Ping’s Twitter integration from the meta-complainy-tweets :)
@Narshada Muchas gracias!
Cuba. Cuba might be a good plan. Sunny, good food, unlikely to hold a royal wedding. Need to learn Spanish.
@2MuchApplePie Don’t forget that it’ll also go on for even longer *afterwards*. Where’s a sunny republic I can escape to for a few years?
So, Steve Jobs is marrying Prince William, the Beatles are playing the wedding, and it’s being snapped by Dave Cameron’s photographer, yeah?
@Jorence It’s just possible you’re undermining your own point there.
Octave (n): The difference between a playground and a building site.
Today seems quite unlikely to be a day I’ll never forget. Unless Steve Jobs revives John Lennon.