Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 7th, 2010

@m1ke_ellis Depends what it’s for; wish they’d put one like that on YouTube comments ;)

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“Yippee ki-yay, Mother Teresa.”

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@Phooto Careful! If too many people play it, the Dropbox people’ll probably come around and kick me :)

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@marcusbrig “I made him a coffee he couldn’t refuse”?

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@m1ke_ellis What, though, is the alternative? It’s like spiked railings and ugly security shutters; an ugly comment on our society.

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@treblechamp Have the first album — new one’s on my list :)

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@treblechamp Ah, nothing wrong with that, then. Chase the sound. I’m lucky in that my favourite noise is generally acoustic guitar!

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@treblechamp Better to write with a battered guitar and a tape deck than buy gadgets instead of writing!

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@treblechamp I have a crap tendency to buy gadgets rather than actually write/record music…

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@treblechamp Personally, I’m no expert. But that book covers pretty much everything from start to finish.

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@treblechamp If you want to know about this stuff, I recommend “Guerilla Home Recording”

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@treblechamp Guitar -> Mic -> Mixer -> USB -> PC, is what I use. But I can take the guitar straight to the mixer, it’s electroacoustic…

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@treblechamp Yeah, it’s a pain to play with lag. My needs are so simple I don’t run into it that often, though.

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@treblechamp …though each mic was doing a bit of the other’s job there, as I recorded it live straight to disk in one take.

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@treblechamp Vocals: Rode NT1A. Guitar: Skytronic pencil condenser. Mixer: Behringer Xenyx 1002FX. USB sound: ESI U24XL. :)

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Rather than watching X Factor, I thought I’d record a cover version of a song I like.

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@Dan_Martin Yeah, that’s the way I went. But still. “East bound and down, loaded up and truckin’…” *hums*

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@Dan_Martin Although, conflict: Five USA appears to be showing The Cannonball Run :)

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RT @Dan_Martin: The original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Finally a reason to what . <— Ooh! *dashes to remote control*

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@bananza I do not believe that there are any toothpastes that go well with coffee. That’s Just Wrong.

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A quick running blog, with some pics from this morning :) http://mattgetsrunning.c…

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@Bristol_flickL Sorry! My post-run brunches never survive long :(

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Oooh! Been thinking there was something missing. Skipped my traditional post-run coffee!

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@twittl3s Well, you have to eat it fast. It had already cooled a bit too much because I was faffing taking photos of it :)

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@Jorence @twittl3s One of the last things I did on my run was buy ham. (See previous tweet!)

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I think that’s a pretty credible first attempt at Eggs Benedict, even if I do say so myself :)

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@Jorence Have signed up for Bath. Pretty certain will do Bristol, too.

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@Jorence What, the maps and stuff? If you run with @Runkeeper, it all Just Happens[tm].

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mattgemmell Adobe Flash: for when you need to know your laptop’s fan still works.

via Hibari (retweeted on 9:47 AM, Nov 7th, 2010 via Echofon)

@Jorence Have been quite lazy this year in terms of runs/week. But improving again recently.

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@Jorence Varies a lot though. If you really want the gory details:…

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@Jorence Doing a specific RunKeeper FitnessClass at the mo, but generally 5-6K midweek, longer, up to 10Kish, weekends.

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The last time I went for a run first thing on a Sunday I came home and ran camera through the wash. Now checking pockets many times.

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@jonhickman I have no real reply here. I just like saying “crumpet batter”.

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@stillawake @Jorence Have heard that alternating running and cycling is quite good.

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@Jorence Most of the advice I’ve read suggests it’s not a great idea; the rest days help your muscles.

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@OpinionatedGeek Heh. Take a screenshot of the number and send it that way. Sure there’s an OCR app for the iPhone :)

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@shezza_t Why would the cat have your brother’s number? I’m confused. :D

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Planetarium looking particularly shiny this morning.

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@Jorence Yay! We’re in a feedback loop of running inspiration. Also: it’s much nicer out now.

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Just found a bank card in puddle. Almost identical to only ID i’m already carrying, including first name. It’s a sit-com waiting to happen!

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@Jorence That is, indeed, my plan (b) :)

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@bethofalltrades It’s the year 2258. The bad news: you overslept. The good news: Vorlons are cool.

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Gah! Need another plan. They closed the Portway.

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Anyway. Morning all! Off for a morning jog soon, as inspired by @Jorence.

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@kevinigloo It was a fairly random eBay purchase from Hong Kong, from what I remember! Like these:

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