@twittl3s Yup, taken maybe a quarter mile further towards Hotwells.
@bertyc I have never found that adding to the number of printers in my life reduces the amount of pain in it.
@thomasvenables Depends on the photo/user’s setting, but often worth a look. Most of mine have the original available. Glad you like it :)
@bertyc Sorry. Good luck… hard enough getting Windows to connect to a Windows printer wirelessly normally :(
@twittl3s At the moment, the reeds have it. But that could change.
@bertyc Ooop. Hang on, forget I said that. Bonjour for Windows works the other way round, doesn’t it? Windows to a Mac printer. D’oh.
@bertyc Hmm. Have you got Bonjour running on the PC?
@thomasvenables Magnifying glass icon/View All Sizes/Original. Should be plenty big enough, it’s pretty much straight from the 400D :)
Speaking of photography, not sure which I prefer of this morning’s two snaps: 1) http://flic.kr/p/8WbhML 2) http://flic.kr/p/8W8eLv
@hayles Yesyesyes.
@TheLloydClan Itsh jusht posshible thaat yooou’re toooo latesh. *hic*
@hayles Sounds like it’s already earmarked for someone over there. Ah well, it’s not the camera, it’s what you do with it…
@Thehappyfatgirl I have the 400D, personally. Which is why I’m feeling slightly envious.
Never mind. I’m not sad. Unrelated: I think I’ll drink Bailey’s until I pass out. #noireallyamablokehonest
My dad just bought a 5D and a couple of L lenses to go with it. I was already mildly envious of his _500D_.
How nice to get out of the office and into the nice warm outdoors. #bloodyaircon
@jemimakiss Honestly. Next you’ll ne saying it wasn’t a brilliant idea to privatise them in the first place.
@hayles Yeah. My bleeeh count is quite high this morning. Luckily I’ve made it as far as the coffee shop.