@tsunimee Greys every time, given that choice.
@juskewitch Which is a shame, as I’m guessing that means you can’t afford the steak knife.
@KaveyF Yeah, looked fine, just didn’t seem to cook through. Not sure what went wrong. Might be oven temp, tin size or something like that.
@KaveyF Sadly not. Will maybe try again next week!
@arlinelyons Unfortunately, what’s left here is rather too liquid to be called a cake. It’s more like a crusty chocolate milkshake. Hmm.
@hayles First what’s left is going back in the oven so it can be eaten rather than drunk. It’s sorrier than the photo shows :(
Noooooo! Chocolate cave-in disaster SADFACE. http://yfrog.com/17h96j
@hayles Holy heck. That hampers better equipped than my kitchen. And worth more.
Hrm. This cake may be too liquidy. But then it’s meant to be somewhat squidgy. Cooking needs a more scientific squidginess scale.
@KaveyF Eeep! How liquidy should this thing still be after the cooking time is over? *squidge*
Incidentally, this is Nigella’s Dense Chocolate Loaf, prompted by @KaveyF’s blog: http://bit.ly/djG89k :)
@hayles CAEK for Children in Need. Now, I’ll admit you seem to need chocolate, but I think you’re probably a little too old to qualify.
@KaveyF Last minute buy. Not as high a percentage, but I’m liking the taste. http://yfrog.com/76n2vbj
Making a little something for tomorrow :) http://yfrog.com/6592xqj
@hayles Dear God, no.
@iamdanw I’ve had some success with gliffy.com. But having tried Omnigraffle recently, I can see why it’s popular.
@Jorence @stillawake Anyone who brings cake is some form of superhero.
@stillawake How old-fashioned. I’d assumed that @Jorence would project a Battenburg symbol into the sky, and then you’d fire the Batterang.
hayles Lollipop ladies keep their lollipops in special bags like tennis rackets. This is so amazing.
@MediaBen I’m *cough* sure I can *cough* make it *coughcoughcough* sound even *hack* more familiar, if *coughcough* you want…
In the office far too early. Still, maybe this way I can avoid Annoying Cough Woman for an hour and get something useful done.