G2Bristol Well done lads! Bristol Italian restaurant Casamia wins Gordon Ramsey’s Best Restaurant http://bit.ly/bkC5TB
@tsunimee @ahnlak spends his Twitter attention sagely. I take the “follow tons of interesting people and watch it all rush past” approach :)
@Phooto Talking too much, obviously :) @BradleyLaw
@petstourettes Sounds like it should be slang for a housebrick. “Watch it, scroat, or you’ll get a Cockney Pride loaf in the norf-and-souf.”
@KaveyF @nyssapod @ahnlak Ah. That was my reaction to _Life Is Beautiful_. Hmm. Slightly scared to watch now.
@ahnlak Me? *whistles innocently*
(Though I saw “drawn”; the brain was from VectorStock…)
I have just drawn a diagram of the problem I am having this afternoon. http://bit.ly/dCtjI7
@hayles :( Played with FaceTime yet? Also: get him to send you random postcards. Postcards are cool.
@hayles …then I saw one half-price in Smiths at Clifton Down, bought it on spur of moment, and it works okay :)
@hayles Best recommendations & compatible info I found when I looked was http://www.mac-compatibl…. But…
Lovely idea: City Tickets. http://bit.ly/ddO9TY (via @undermanager’s blog.)
@hayles I think it’s a fake. Magistrates aren’t generally *that* mad. And ones that are haven’t heard of all those celebrities to tweet at!
@hayles I seem to be having more of a coffee thing going on this year, first thing, anyway. Green tea at work, though.
Support Is your Tweet count showing a number of Tweets different from what you see on your page? Pls read here for more info: bit.ly/aJKzBK
Ah, my saviour. http://yfrog.com/45mrggaj
It’s true, actually; only reasons I’m going to work right now is because (a) it’s near Baristas and (b) there’s a Graze box in desk drawer.
@sizemore The only reason I’m going to work right now is because it’s next to a really good cafe.
sgtbeefmeat Metro cover urging people to say ‘hi’ to the person sitting next to them. If anyone tries this on me I will KILL THEM IN THE FACE.
Oh. Hi.
@hayles Whereas I got up on time, and am now sitting around in a tired daze for 45 minutes to make up for that. Bleh.
@arlinelyons It’s a radical strategy, but it might just work…
Oh, dearie me. That really wasn’t enough sleep.
Okay. Bedtime. Night all!