Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 9th, 2010

G2Bristol Well done lads! Bristol Italian restaurant Casamia wins Gordon Ramsey’s Best Restaurant

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:12 PM, Nov 9th, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

@tsunimee @ahnlak spends his Twitter attention sagely. I take the “follow tons of interesting people and watch it all rush past” approach :)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to tsunimee

@petstourettes Sounds like it should be slang for a housebrick. “Watch it, scroat, or you’ll get a Cockney Pride loaf in the norf-and-souf.”

via Twitter for iPhone

@KaveyF @nyssapod @ahnlak Ah. That was my reaction to _Life Is Beautiful_. Hmm. Slightly scared to watch now.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Kavey

@ahnlak @KaveyF I have Slumdog at home to watch ATM. Who gave what rating?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ahnlak

(Though I saw “drawn”; the brain was from VectorStock…)

via Twitter for iPhone

I have just drawn a diagram of the problem I am having this afternoon.

via Twitter for iPhone

@hayles :( Played with FaceTime yet? Also: get him to send you random postcards. Postcards are cool.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

@hayles …then I saw one half-price in Smiths at Clifton Down, bought it on spur of moment, and it works okay :)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

@hayles Best recommendations & compatible info I found when I looked was http://www.mac-compatibl…. But…

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

Lovely idea: City Tickets. (via @undermanager’s blog.)

via Twitter for iPhone

@hayles I think it’s a fake. Magistrates aren’t generally *that* mad. And ones that are haven’t heard of all those celebrities to tweet at!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

@hayles I seem to be having more of a coffee thing going on this year, first thing, anyway. Green tea at work, though.

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Support Is your Tweet count showing a number of Tweets different from what you see on your page? Pls read here for more info:

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:27 AM, Nov 9th, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

It’s true, actually; only reasons I’m going to work right now is because (a) it’s near Baristas and (b) there’s a Graze box in desk drawer.

via Echofon

@sizemore The only reason I’m going to work right now is because it’s next to a really good cafe.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to sizemore

sgtbeefmeat Metro cover urging people to say ‘hi’ to the person sitting next to them. If anyone tries this on me I will KILL THEM IN THE FACE.

Oh. Hi.

via Osfoora for iOS (retweeted on 8:10 AM, Nov 9th, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

@hayles Whereas I got up on time, and am now sitting around in a tired daze for 45 minutes to make up for that. Bleh.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

@arlinelyons It’s a radical strategy, but it might just work…

via Echofon in reply to arlinelyons

Oh, dearie me. That really wasn’t enough sleep.

via Echofon

Okay. Bedtime. Night all!

via Echofon