Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 5th, 2010

Oooh, that were nice. And actually contained vitamins. Really must cook more often.

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@rabidbee @Dichohecho Wow. Was it a good thing I couldn’t make it last night, then?

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@Jorence Yes, absolutely. Although weren’t you asked to leave Waitrose last time?

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@iamdanw New name for a trendy Caribbean bakery?

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Heh. Loving Merlin’s parable on businesses and customers. “A Sandwich, A Wallet, and Elizabeth Taylor’s Cousin”:

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@hayles Should do. Used to be only weekends you had to go get your own. Though service always a bit random.

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@BlackDogDays St. Nick’s Market. Awesome coffee (from @extractcoffee) and sandwiches, too. Opposite florist in lane with fabric shop.

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Just had slice of deadly chocolate tart from Sourdough Cafe. Deadly in a good way, of course :)

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@CHSW Not a hope, sadly. Would need to drop two or three stone!

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@benparkatbjs Once worked for Zurich Financial in Swindon. Still get offers from agents assuming I’ll be happy to work in Switzerland.

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@ahnlak Think I saw a DOS 5 install floppy somewhere in the flat the other day!

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@ahnlak I think overall attitudes have changed quite a lot in our lifetime.

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@KaveyF Do you have the feeling of being in a fairly small minority these days?

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Wondering how many people are piling on the copyright theft debate from unlicensed copies of Windows while listening to stolen music…

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@KnightCop That’s some amazing mask work. Chuck that guy out and import the person who did the prosthetics for a job in the film industry!

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@prbristolblog Seems unlikely. What normally happens is they threaten to strike on Bonfire Night, get lots of press coverage, then back off.

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Speaking of seeing lots of your own face :)

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@hayles Heh. Clearly I am an egotist :) But seeing what to snap just takes a chunk of practice carrying a camera around (SLR or otherwise.)

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You know what? I don’t *care* if it’s more expensive than the paperback. £9.99 is a fair price to pay for many hours of entertainment.

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@MrsFellah Hope he’s okay. Sounds like he’s as well-prepared for dealing with hospital as a person can be!

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@hayles The only reason I don’t have that problem is that I use my SLR several times a week, all year round :)

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@hayles Erm. That didn’t stop you finding it in the Canon bag the last time, did it?

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