Virtually everything I’ve done today has been harder than it should have been.
Oh, hurrah! Out of the office and out of earshot of <censored> Annoying Cough Woman.
@SimonPeevers No worries. Mine’s still going strong, and I’ve used it a fair bit now, so happy to recommend.
@benparkatbjs Odd. Wonder what they’re after? Just trying to get links on your pages, normally, aren’t they?
@benparkatbjs That was a great tweet you sent there, by the way, very informative. Love the site! <— one like that?
@benparkatbjs Yeah. If I’m not sure, I assume it is, as it clearly can’t be adding anything to the discussion…
@roundonefight I’m still not sure. And I’m 37.
@SimonPeevers For a bum-bag style alternative, I got a Nike “audio waistpack” from Moti which is pretty good, too, and fits my ample waist!
@SimonPeevers My review of the Xtrememac armband:
@theRamenNoodle Well, until it’s cached it will :). Also, double-check the “don’t use cache for logged-in users” setting…
@zeldman Jesus, did you just have coffee in a hotel? Get out, find an indie coffee shop, or at least a Caffe Nero.