Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 17th, 2010

Virtually everything I’ve done today has been harder than it should have been.

via Echofon

Oh, hurrah! Out of the office and out of earshot of <censored> Annoying Cough Woman.

via Twitter for iPhone

@SimonPeevers No worries. Mine’s still going strong, and I’ve used it a fair bit now, so happy to recommend.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to SimonPeevers

@benparkatbjs Odd. Wonder what they’re after? Just trying to get links on your pages, normally, aren’t they?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to BenPark

@benparkatbjs That was a great tweet you sent there, by the way, very informative. Love the site! <— one like that?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to BenPark

@benparkatbjs Yeah. If I’m not sure, I assume it is, as it clearly can’t be adding anything to the discussion…

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to BenPark

@SimonPeevers For a bum-bag style alternative, I got a Nike “audio waistpack” from Moti which is pretty good, too, and fits my ample waist!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to SimonPeevers

@theRamenNoodle Well, until it’s cached it will :). Also, double-check the “don’t use cache for logged-in users” setting…

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to theDanielJLewis

@zeldman Jesus, did you just have coffee in a hotel? Get out, find an indie coffee shop, or at least a Caffe Nero.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to zeldman