@KellySibson I’m glad you said that, as you were the only person it was wrong for!
@BenPark ta.
@ravsitar @dangusset @Nose_in_a_book Ta.
@Nose_in_a_book Ta.
@davidpatrick Ta.
@RamonYouseph @njj4 Ta!
@skeddy *smack*
@mhoulden Kewl.
@mhoulden Still, I don’t mind being anonymous at home :D
@mhoulden Phone puts me on a map just fine. Odd.
@liveindetail “serve”, even.
@liveindetail Ah! Cool, that’s fine. For people with Javascript disabled, the real page will just server a US ad and a UK ad. Punishment!
@liveindetail Still odd. Unless Javascript’s disabled, it should just pick one. And if Javascript’s disabled, it should say that, too…
@jukesie Ta!
@mhoulden Desktop Safari used to be fine with it, it’s what I used for testing. It asks me if I want to share my location, so it’s trying.
@liveindetail What brower?
@liveindetail Really? That’s… odd.
@richardjfoster Excellent, ta.
@mhoulden Safari, Demon ADSL.
@mhoulden s/Your/Yours/
@mhoulden Your can’t find me!
@mhoulden Yur, I’ve done that too. Wanted something that didn’t pop up a browser warning, though, so I’m using an IP database.
Okay folks, thanks very much! I declare this thing working.
@emmafurious @tyronem @Kavey Lovely, thanks.
@rbrwr Merci.
@malvernrunner @bexxi Excellent, ta.
@R2UK Ta!
@hayles Really, I should have made it wave a flag.
@hayles Hurrah!
Could I have a quick hand, please? Can some people inside and outside the UK go here and tell me what they see? Ta! onthescales.com/test.html
*Conducts imaginary orchestra to the _Stargate_ theme*
@betty_watson Thanks!
@RamonYouseph Dunno. Birdcage? Spicer and Cole again?
@stillawake Thanks!
The Cyclist: A story I wrote as homework for the Short Fiction course I’m doing at the @folkhouse. gothick.org.uk/2013/03/01/the…
Bloggity: King of Bristol: Climbing Cabot Tower. gothick.org.uk/2013/02/28/ad7…
Right. Twitterscope down for a bit. Got a new Get Running website to finish off.
@ahnlak *SMURFSLAP*
Next time, I’m going to ask the charity for a hat instead. At least that’ll be more likely to fit.
While the MS Society running singlet is more generous than most for charity’s singlets, it still makes me look like an orange smurf.
@emmafurious Cool.
@Kavey Can you pass on my thanks to your parents for sponsoring me? Ta! x
@emmafurious Thanks for your support! :)
Of course, the thing about selling my old stuff on eBay is that it makes me more likely to buy stuff on eBay. #falseeconomy
(Clearly I did such a good job with the marketing copy that I brainwashed myself.)
Sunday’s Bath Half will be my 6th half marathon. All because @benjohnbarnes asked me to knock up a website for @getrunningapp, back in 2009.
@RamonYouseph Whereabouts?
@RamonYouseph Yup!
@petedrinks Fab article on Bruichladdich in the New Yorker, in case you’d not seen it: newyorker.com/reporting/2013…