@waiyeehong Could maybe do with more lemongrass and a Yorkshire pudding.
@Bingo_Little Yeah. It worked…
@liveindetail That was for parboiling the potatoes.

I appear to be inventing the Thai green lamb hotpot. pic.twitter.com/nYCO3dlLXQ
thinkgeek Balloon Dalek?! MUST INFLATE: twitpic.com/cak2eb
The Sustrans office doesn’t really need a sign in the window. #bristol instagr.am/p/WuLc98pCz9/

jakepjohnson It’s so bloody cold and windy in Bristol, the spray off the fountain in front the council house has turned to ice! pic.twitter.com/YtGfloQsNa
@benjohnbarnes It’s pretty amazing, isn’t it? Might have to go back with the real camera.
Blues. instagr.am/p/WuBkWxJC7-/
Brandon Steep door. instagr.am/p/WuBSK9JC7v/
@JenLittleBird Yup.
@HeathC Careful. You don’t want to get any on you.
I am having one of those mornings where I’m leaving messages for everyone who called me earlier and left a message. #pingpong
@Thehappyfatgirl Gosh, and we didn’t even *meet* yesterday…
@leigh Calm down, man. You have cheese. That’s the important thing.
@zarg Heh. It’s a mistake that’s in good company. Seen to remember first edition of Larry Niven’s Ringworld had Earth spinning backwards…
@MsMottram Not sure about letting @BlackDogDays look at my lunch. If I’m going to have cake, I want to keep every photon for myself.
@BlackDogDays @MsMottram I believe so.
It looks sunny out there, but I’m thinking the recycling bins drifting like tumbleweeds down the pavement are a clue as to the wind-chill…
This weekend, I have mostly been fooling around with a prototype app youtube.com/watch?v=MMA28W…
@sketchapp Aha! Brill, thanks :)
@sketchapp I’m finding I can’t select layers underneath other layers (using Cmd-click) in 2.2.3. Just selects top layer, no menu appears?
Ahm76 Have you ever looked at a pile of waiting room magazines and felt like OH MY GOD I HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON WITH THIS WHOLE WORLD