Attempting repairs.

HartsBakery “@pearcafe: I think with a window display like this, @CothamHardware deserve more followers” indeed!
Hrm. Feel pretty good, considering I was at a beer festival last night ;)
@EffBeeee (oops! Premature send!) …of course; I’ve just never heard of the “them first” rule.
@brentsimmons Thanks. Always interesting to hear people’s tools/needs/philosophies.
@EffBeeee Oh, okay. I understand the subject/object difference, of c
@EffBeeee Oh. I don’t think I ever learned that rule.
@EffBeeee Er. I must be drinker than I thought. What *should* that say instead?
@brentsimmons What do you use for analytics? That feels like one of my last reasons to keep my account.