Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 20th, 2013

Saw fire engine and two Police forensics vans at foot of Avon Gorge cliff on my jog tonight. Hope that doesn’t mean someone’s died :(

via Echofon

benhammersley@felixsalmon: Awesomely illegal science:” [[holy shit]]

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:28 PM, Mar 20th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@guriben Most of my design work on the German section of the Get Running site was accompanied by muttered German. I don’t speak German.

via Echofon in reply to guriben

@guriben I just assumed you were saying the word in a French accent for effect.

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Paragraph. It’s really quite annoying. Stop.

via Echofon

This cafe would be a nicer environment to work if the only other customer wasn’t a lawyer dictating a very long letter into his phone.

via Echofon

@johnfbraun You probably do more with yours than test websites in IE, though :)

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Sourdough Cafe for lunch and a read. Or maybe not, as friend just randomly turned up :)

via Instagram

@johnfbraun This is for VirtualBox. It’s possible I hadn’t bothered changing the VM spec since I was running XP…

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to johnfbraun

Thinking of taking same approach to micro-USB cables as plectrums: buy thirty so my chances of finding one just lying around are better.

via Echofon

Think I might wander into town for lunch.

via Echofon

@mattgemmell …as “permanent” as “until Feedburner dies” is, anyway :)

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@mattgemmell You may have already spotted this, but if you delete feed in Feedburner it gives the option of adding perm. redirect…

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@mattgemmell NetNewsWire. Though mostly because I never could stand Reader’s interface, so our UI tastes may not be overlapping.

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@guriben Ta. You’re in the bug tracker :D

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@guriben …I should probably just grit my teeth and buy it and use it instead of that widget.

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@guriben Kewl. To be honest, the only reason I had the widget rather than a picture was because the stock photo I wanted was £30 :) …

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@guriben Oooh, interesting. You don’t happen to be behind a firewall that blocks Twitter, or anything, do you? Should be a widget on left.

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@michellepauli Popped up in Spotify “Artist Radio” for Natalie Merchant. Which could be subtitled “women with edgy voices”.

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Never heard the Indigo Girls’ cover of _Romeo and Juliet_ before. Cool.

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@guriben It was a fun place. Hope UWE was, too :)

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@guriben (Might depend on window width. The whole thing’s quite responsive…)

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No, I do not wish to make you my default browser. *Slaps Google*.

via Echofon

“Speed up browsing by disabling add-ons”. IE9, if you were that worried about them, why did you add them on in the first place? *slaps*

via Echofon

Well. I *think* the new Get Running website is live. *Pokes around, wondering what bits he forgot to do*.

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@ahnlak I was doing an extra one, immediately before a big change. It happens automatically too. See? Tons of ‘em.

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@mhoulden Going from 512 to 1024MB on this VM has made a hell of a difference. Plus ca change…

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Turns out Windows 7 is a lot happier with more than 512MB of memory. Who’d have thought?

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Hrm. This website changeover I’m doing is going disturbingly well. *puts fire-foam and SWAT team on standby*

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Oooh. @getrunningapp for Android has moved up into the “5,000-10,000” installs bracket on the Play Store. *Pats app on head.*

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