@Kavey I need more rolling practice. But they’re not bad!
Operation chapatti underway ;) instagr.am/p/WpaJhiJC2G/
@waiyeehong @Kavey @ahnlak No, I probably just need a normal family-size pan. I’m just under-panned, what with mostly being single…
@Kavey Well, I’ll try. And I might start looking out for a bigger saucepan in the shops :D
@Kavey Two. So I may be halving the recipe. But we’ll see what it looks like compared to my pan when I get going…
bigmediumjosh Sensors everywhere: even cows. Swiss cows send texts when they’re in heat. j.mp/Rq5o8Z #nextUI
@Kavey I’d considered that, but I’m not even sure I’ve got a big enough pan for it as it stands! I only ever cook for two, normally…
@StephenEThomas Chicken curry that I learned on @Kavey’s mum’s cooking course :) mamtaskitchen.com/recipe_display…
Think I’ve got all the bits I need for cooking a curry this evening. *checks list*
@Thehappyfatgirl @BenPark Nearly!

liveindetail This sign made my grammar gland spasm for nearly 15 minutes pic.twitter.com/S9UxNBTxZE
@anniebonne Texas? Cool! I’ll shoot the grey sky and drizzle if it’ll help you feel better :)
Iterating. instagr.am/p/WozBHdpC0s/
@Thehappyfatgirl Damn it! I’ll be back home in an hour. #shipsthatpassinthebroaddaylight
@Thehappyfatgirl Upstairs at counter.

Settled upstairs in BTP for coffee & idea sketching before I head home. pic.twitter.com/oU5CR4RqI1
@Thehappyfatgirl Am now in BTP.

@Thehappyfatgirl About here. pic.twitter.com/I9gnZIoRJo
@Thehappyfatgirl *Waves from Clifton Village*
Stupid. instagr.am/p/Wov2wOpCxi/
Sweet ride! instagr.am/p/WorzrmJC-K/
@BlackDogDays I hear you can substitute HP Sauce and twiglets.