@kayliemansfield Yeah, I often get that at dinner parties, too.
SolihullPolice To clarify the typo earlier-we’re looking for innovative ways to maximise budgets but there are no plans to introduce police cats on patrol.
@Lillput Ta!
Getting ready. instagr.am/p/WXkRNyJC48/
@rachel_2407 Thanks!
@xabl @rachel_2407 I have heard many good things about Cafe Maitreya, though I’ve only ever nipped in for breakfast.
rachel_2407 Any recommendations for a restaurant in Bristol that does good veggie food? Please RT #Bristol
@ememess I’ve never had corned beef hash. That might explain why I feel like this.
@SimpleLampoon @headfirstonly Certainly looks better from here.
(That tweet brought to you courtesy of YouTube, Piezo, Audacity, Garageband, and a complete disregard for intellectual property.)
How I imagine my experience with Siri in the Star Trek universe (audio): tumblr.gothick.org.uk/post/443838831…
“Tea, Earl Grey, hot.”
“*Bebeep* Ejecting warp core.”
“Curse you, Siri!”
@RellaC How’s life over there in the mirror universe?
@andybeebristol You don’t need to tell me twice.
evernote Important: Evernote just implemented a service-wide password reset. Please read our post for details and instructions ow.ly/icT02
@guriben I hope nobody in the old school was looking.
@headfirstonly @SimpleLampoon Hrm. Yes, an online checker — sitecheck.sucuri.net — agrees.
That On Her Majesty’s Service letter I got in the post the other day got me to digging back through old photos :D flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
@SimpleLampoon It was “Fiat Multipla that requires a constant supply of roast parsnips” that got me :D
@misslo Thanks!
SimpleLampoon Coffee powered car to visit Bristol tomorrow: simplelampoon.com/did-you-want-t…
I’m glad I posted this little preparing-for-the-#bathhalf list last year. It’s now my “todo” list for this evening :) mattgetsrunning.com/2012/03/10/wha…
@Kavey You should have read it *before* the edit. It really wanted to be chapter 1 of a novel, rather than a short story.
@Kavey Yeah, they collect them from the start line and recycle them.
Hurrah! £2 warm fleece acquired from charity shop for pre- #bathhalf start tomorrow :) instagr.am/p/WW0vmdJC6Y/
@_dibdib Lazybones.
(And pretty much every else between the brake lever and the brake on my friend’s poorly bike.)
Today I will be putting my @LifeCycleUKteam-acquired maintenance skills into practice by replacing this dead noodle. instagram.com/p/WWnSFqpCw_/
@Kavey :D
@asic69 Ta.
@derekarridge @robsmallshire Ta!