porridgebrain Will you be needing a happy ghost to carry your shopping today, madam? pic.twitter.com/YRa9wmB0Rt
NeckbeardHacker No, programming is actually not that hard. Dealing with people is hard. Which is why I got into programming in the first place. Now go away.
Treating my man-flu in my traditional manner. instagram.com/p/XaiEAxJC3m/

@MartinSketchley @TTApress Whoa! I spoke too soon. Happy to lend. DM me your address and I’ll send it along. pic.twitter.com/0PtPczDXmD
@MartinSketchley @TTApress Sadly, no. Must have been before I first subscribed, as there are gaps. Have 21 and 23, but no 22.
@libbymiller Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
@libbymiller Stick it in a disposable VM.
@mhoulden You don’t have to if you don’t want to — tap on a week before you hit “Run” to start from there :D
@Thehappyfatgirl One what, exactly? One sasquatch?
@ShaneHudson Maybe you should make your next business card properly bookmark-shaped. At least you’d maximise your benefit :D
@doctorow Still better than “legal alien”. That was popularised by Sting.
Dru_Marland @gothick “Leave him, Justin, he is quite simply not worth it”
You can tell it’s Clifton as one of the screamers used the phrase “f-word” rather than actually swearing.
Wow. It’s all kicking off in Clifton Village. There are people screaming in the street.
@FluffyMFC I realise that I did, technically, ask for that… *giggles*
Finally struggled out of my man-flu-ridden lair to get lunch. #violinsplease
RinHamburgh Need to speak to a Bristolian who enjoys shopping in independent stores rather than chains - pls RT #journorequest
@benjohnbarnes @stevemarvell Nope, sorry, never had a mini. No spare boxen around at the mo.
@claireellent @rabidbee @andybeebristol Thanks. *drinks Lemsip*
@BenPark I suppose there’s a faint chance they’ll merge it in with analytics. More likely they’ll just kill it, though.