@mradamdubois Me too, but I went for size, rather than speed :)
@benjohnbarnes …drive for beer, rather than pay £50 for something swanky like that. It’s only the spare box.
@benjohnbarnes Yes, though this would be my first self-administered upgrade-in-place, if you will… Might see if I can get moving-parts…
@mradamdubois I’d be tempted for the main machine, if it wasn’t an iMac…

“Relevancy”? pic.twitter.com/P2NPM91fGQ
@mradamdubois …it would probably be so slow I’d cry.
@mradamdubois Yeah. I’m thinking so, too. Currently have an Air as main laptop; if I have to go back to physical drive in older machine…
@canofpopcom I was lucky with battery; died out of Applecare warranty but Cabot Circus store took pity and gave me a new one for free.
My “backup” MacBook, currently being lent to a friend, has had its HDD die. Cheap-arse like-for-like replacement, or dip toe in SSD water..?
@aaron23_ I’m really quite surprised how good it’s been, considering it’s “just” an evening class.
@aaron23_ If I had to name one thing I’d taken away, I’d say “confidence”.
@aaron23_ …has given us practical exercise after exercise to show that you *can* simply sit down and fill blank pages with good writing.
@aaron23_ …it’s focused on a few different aspects so far, but fundamentally, it’s put me in a room with an excellent writer, who…
@aaron23_ I felt generally under-skilled and wasn’t writing enough. I did this course: bristolfolkhouse.co.uk/course.php?cho… …
@aaron23_ I am currently doing one, and it’s been useful and inspirational.
@Thehappyfatgirl I’m averaging. My legs feel about fifty today :)
Forty two. instagr.am/p/WclTj8pCyY/

@RamonYouseph You should. Here’s a free sample. pic.twitter.com/regigM2s1Z
Obviously, I will be trimming frivolities like electricity before essentials like @BrisBeerFactory’s Independence. *raises glass*
Hrm. My bank account still empties far too fast at the beginning of the month. Time for the next round of financial trimming, I think…

allviewsmyown ‘this fox is extremely British’ imgur.com/q5KffkK via @imgur
@parryphernalia Sadly I shall have to stop after this one; still some work to do today…
Cheeky way-home pint in @GrainBarge.
Pretty colours tonight. instagr.am/p/WcfXDAJC8z/
The drug dealer at work. #coffee instagr.am/p/WcZmuzpC3g/
Stretching my legs at an improv stand-up desk for a while. @ Baristas Coffee Collective instagr.am/p/WcQTszJC-M/
@BristolAnna “q” *and* “z”. Nice.
@dangusset Yeah. I wonder which came first, for him?
Last month I found myself holding up a sign saying “kumquat”, after encounter with a photographer on the harbourside morbidlysheridanimages.blogspot.co.uk
eatdrinkbristol Wanted. 1 x Bristol history buff to help us with an article on the history of Queen Square! Please RT any contacts!
@cabalgata Yeah. Bath Half shirt is a white “one size fits all” shirt this year. I’m scared to try the thing on. #blimp
@cabalgata Yeah. And the thing about being a 5’10”, 17-stone runner is that you *know* the T-shirt won’t fit.
@chubbybannister I saw a giant coach contemplating Granby Hill and (thank goodness) thinking better of it on Saturday.
Looks interesting, but not sure I want to spend £25 on it.
In @BaristasBristol. George has just told me about the Night Terror 6 mile run at Ashton Court on 16th… nightterror.co.uk
@Picklechu This might be why I’ve never been called for jury duty.
No, Matt, *eight* and four makes twelve. I really shouldn’t be allowed to use grid systems.
kellymariestewa I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe. Movie rental stores. Payphones. I once used a paper map. All of it lost in time, like tears in rain x
Roight. Leg-stretching walk into town, I think, where I shall do some cafe-based working for a few hours.
FantonEsquire Batman seems be keeping Bradford safe as well as Gotham. bbc.co.uk/news/uk-englan…
@emmafurious Hurrah!

Heh. Spot the loo break. Apart from that, I was pretty consistent… pic.twitter.com/0UU7uX5LQC
@ahnlak It’s not like programming is exactly taxing on the legs, though.
Hrm. Apart from writing that race report and doing a minor fix to a site, I appear to have taken the morning off. *gets into gear*

theangelremiel Apparently these are meant to make visiting the dentist less scary. LESS scary? i.imgur.com/x9DHAaS.jpg
@ahnlak Tell you what, I’ll do it on a camera dolly. You push.
@RichNeville I can’t possibly imagine what PC Thich’s nickname is.
*Slaps @ahnlak around the head with a rolling shutter*
Official #bathhalf time: 2:42:05, slashing five minutes off my personal best :D Race report: mattgetsrunning.com/2013/03/04/bat…
Morning all.