@xabl Different kind of graph, luckily.
Don’t mind me. I’m just testing Twitter card support on my blog. gothick.org.uk/2013/03/16/ad9…
I see you baby, Openin’ that Graph…
@shezza_t That’s mostly because I was guilty about showing how much mash I’d put on the plate (next to salmon, dill, lemon & watercress :) )
@benjohnbarnes Cool, it worked! (You might want to view that tweet in an official Twitter client or on the web. twitter.com/gothick/status… )
@benjohnbarnes I’m just testing something. Don’t mind me. splendid-things.co.uk/getrunning/
Looking forward to this. instagram.com/p/XVXGgtpC7X/
Food with ‘tude. @ Baristas Coffee Collective instagram.com/p/XVXDwkpC7T/
Bought brandy on way home. Should’ve probably bought an electric blanket, too.

BristolFerry Always make time to feed the swans #bristolharbour #blueandyellowferry #swans pic.twitter.com/pQ3rNvCDC6
@SimpleLampoon Pretty much all developments in computer technology are driven forward by laziness.
US Postal Service biased against atheist parcels? RT @LeadHyperion: This is just astonishing… atheistberlin.com/study