@MickDickinson Luckily I eventually dragged myself off YouTube and back to work…
@MickDickinson They’re falling like dominoes. If each domino were to stop falling halfway through to check Facebook and maybe have a snack.
@AndyCarolan I think I may have had that on my toast this morning.
My upstairs neighbour and I both work from home. I’ve yet again successfully infected him with my procrastination. He’s playing guitar too.

benjmurf Never leave a 2-year-old child and a tub of sudocrem alone in a room together! pic.twitter.com/23WAduyb2G
@almostexact Hard to believe, really…
@Bristol52 Yes, thanks. Just playing catchup now…
bertpalmer So good. Video of One Photographer’s Rant: “There’s Too Many Cameras on the Market” petapixel.com/2013/04/02/one…
One man and his log. instagram.com/p/XpNlR9JCwm/
Hadn’t realised the refurbished Student Union had been unveiled. It’s… Er. It’s very… Er… #bristol instagram.com/p/XpMEM8pC_h/
I dislike food experiences where I’m left wondering whether I should have been given some instructions.
(If is is a social faux pas, then this meal has been very inconveniently packaged. Or is that what the tin cup is for?)
@guriben *Imagines whole of Twitter banging tables, shouting, “Down in one!”*
@Bristol52 I’ll give it a try. Probably be at home working for most of it, though :(
I wonder if it is a grave social faux pas to drink the remainder of the pho porks straight from the tub.
@hayles Relax. It’s not porks all the way down.
That’s quite a lot of porks. Ta, Friska. @ Rise instagram.com/p/XpHyeTJC7J/
@samsneed12 Current exhib, _Drawn_, has some good stuff. I’ll be going back again…
@Bristol52 Soz. I have moved on to Friska for lunch.
@samsneed12 They’ve never objected in the past, even with the big camera. I wouldn’t use flash, mind.
Checking out the latest exhibition. @ Royal West of England Academy instagram.com/p/XpE_KkpC4o/
roddymansfield Author Iain Banks has announced he has cancer and only “several months” to live: iain-banks.net/2013/04/03/a-p…

roddymansfield Iain Banks’ site is down. His personal statement: pic.twitter.com/Hgx0XHq0h3