TNG_S8 A holodeck error populates the Enterprise with ice age beasts. Barclay gets trapped in the dividing hallway as the saucer section separates.
Post-meet up pint in the bar at Channings :)
@jakepjohnson Cool, I’d do my best to be there.
Rice tea time.
@Duchamps_Brides Always a pleasure.

(Though I note the Mail have now changed their headline to reflect something more like the truth.)

danslee A headline we’ve all written at some time or other, I feel… (via @nickbilton @JoshuaGreen) #news #journalism
mummyblogger Does anyone in #Bristol happen to have a pair of axle stands I could borrow??
@MilliePaw Lucky! Our street only has one side with houses, and I’m three doors down from the end they start from… Always a drama!
Nice to see Google back to doing what they’re good at: closing down services I hadn’t heard of in the first place. ……
*Just* made it out to the street with my recycling. Those guys are coming around *early* these days. *Breathes*