Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 6th, 2013

@says_arline If you can find a way to arrange it, that sounds way better than what I’m actually doing.

via Echofon in reply to says_arline

astroengine Best bumper sticker ever

via Twitpic on iOS (retweeted on 11:27 PM, Apr 6th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@Phooto Er, no. Looked more like some kind of Facebook virus. You might want to check your last few “likes”.

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

@LeadHyperion “Andy. We found the body. Care to explain? Also, how did you bury someone on the *second floor*?”

via Echofon in reply to LeadHyperion

@krelaben @Bristol52 That would be nice. But have we even got anything like that working for a single major bus company yet?

via Echofon

@Phooto Erm. Something quite odd from you just appeared in my Facebook timeline.

via Echofon

What web folks do I know in Bristol who’re good at pretty, responsive designs?

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@Bristol52 Must be awkward as the companies each have multi-trip tickets available, which don’t work on each others’ services…

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Lunching in Mud Dock with a view of St Mary’s. :) @ Mud Dock Cafe

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@MsMottram @MrGreenGus Added to my reading list. But it’s a long list…

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somenewwill It’s a beautiful sunny day on Bristol harbour, why not come for a round trip or get the @BristolFerry to the pub for an afternoon drink!?

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:04 AM, Apr 6th, 2013 via Echofon)

@Mouse_House Good. I can’t see sunshine hurting :D Off out myself.

via Echofon in reply to mousedogbaby

Yeah, man. I was out clubbing last night.

via Instagram

mattgemmell I live beside a park in Edinburgh. So much material for a tumblr about People Trying To Look Dignified Whilst Carrying Bags Of Dog Poop.

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 9:20 AM, Apr 6th, 2013 via Echofon)