Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 16th, 2013

@toddmotto Oooh, good point, I’ve got a bottle of Milk Stout in the fridge…

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@toddmotto Yeah. I’d check here, but my WordPress dev install is multisite, which doesn’t play nicely with port numbers.

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@toddmotto …I normally just use the php/apache that come installed with OSX plus my own MySQL install. I’m a bit old-school :)

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@toddmotto Nor had I until yesterday :) Got curious answering the question so I gave it a spin…

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@toddmotto …looks like any install with a port number in the URL might be affected to me, but I can’t be sure.

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@toddmotto *waves* Hi! :) I reproduced it on OS X, too, with BitNami stack like the original poster…

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cgpgrey . @danbenjamin has the best website error message:

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@danielpunkass Presumably the users will be called “glassholes”.

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@hayles I find Akismet works pretty well, but I’m keeping an eye on things.

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@hayles (Though I found that turning off the “needs at least one approved comment” allowed self-pings without annoying me.)

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@hayles Yur. It looks like pretty trivial code, so I might just add it to my library of snippets that I roll into most of my themes.

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@tomasmcguinness Yes. I mostly use it to publicly say that some minor issue is fixed now, so that the one-star review is at least mitigated.

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@tomasmcguinness I was *so* glad when I got the Google Play permission that allows me to reply to individual comments.

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@hayles List? Can you zip them into one file and unzip them at the far end?

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That’s another chapter of iOS Programming down, and a 6K jog up to Clifton Village done. This afternoon, I will be WordPressing, i think.

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mummyblogger Has anyone been to Casamia in ? Want to know what it’s like before I splash out… @BristolBites

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flackhackjack So, my brother-in-law has resigned from his 9-to-5 job in spectacular fashion. Jerry Maguire meets Masterchef.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:05 AM, Apr 16th, 2013 via Echofon)

@html5blank Spotted what looks like a problem running html5blank on non-standard port number; details in my answer:…

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And with that, I think I may try to avoid the news until there’s some actual news. Will go for a run later, though.

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As a runner and a photographer, I think Boston Globe’s _Big Picture_ today is important. WARNING: graphic content.…

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