@ntikku I’m not seeing onPlayerCued, etc. events with iframe. Non-iframe is fine. Is that a YouTube issue, or a me-being-dumb issue? Thanks!
@ntikku Hi! (Wow. Didn’t realise you were in Cambridge. Glad you’re okay!) Got a TubePlayer question for you…
@leigh Who does that remind me of..? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassandra…
@OpinionatedGeek Wasn’t me. It’s an original piece (of toast) by @lukejerram
@OpinionatedGeek It’s only because it’s “art”. The other side looks like this: flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
aedison I just had a great/terrible time at Schrödinger’s Petting Zoo.

@OpinionatedGeek To be fair, I wouldn’t want to stop eating toast. This slice was toasted on 5 May 2007..pic.twitter.com/ciaLaxQCIyIy
dangusset “@gothick: Kids on Bristol’s traditional “slide” :) instagram.com/p/YXdbcCpC1T/” I went down that the day after our wedding and scuffed my ring.
@robsmallshire 4,5,6. That’ll do.

Sporf QUALITY: One of the London Marathon runners pictured today. pic.twitter.com/Wf9M7o3g6Q
NotionalRail Due to a topological error, passengers should not use the carriage end doors, as they lead not to other cars, but to unfathomable horrors.
@guriben @debsa @Shequeen It was all @benjohnbarnes’s idea, but I did the Android version and look after the website…
@archidave @weirdoldhattie It’s a bit like Cabot Circus. I’m sure the architecture’s impressive but I don’t care much about what they sell…
Kids on Bristol’s traditional “slide” :) instagram.com/p/YXdbcCpC1T/
Oh. Hello. @ Leigh Woods instagram.com/p/YXbOd2pCzX/
Notices. @ Brunel Lock instagram.com/p/YXRV7JpC7D/
Off for a jog. instagram.com/p/YXRHKqJC68/
BristolFerry Have you seen ‘know your place’? It’s an interactive tool for exploring Bristol through historic maps: maps.bristol.gov.uk/knowyourplace/