Hit my fitbit target for the day. Slightly ironically, I hit it by walking to the kitchen to make toast.
ryanestrada Oh you’re a construction worker? I have this great idea for a building.
@ahnlak I’ll retweet that one once I’ve sobered up.
ahnlak @gothick you should switch from cafes to pubs every couple of hours - the alcohol will balance out the caffeine
One of the few downsides to working in cafes: the sheer tempting availability of caffeinated drinks. *goes home buzzing*
Ah, so that’s why Google disapproved my AdMob Ad. Because it points at an approved Google Play Store page they don’t like the wording of.
HappyCityUK The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without comment ~ TH White
@TwiceCircled I’m not a big gamer, mind, but very happy to give it a go :)
@liveindetail Scrrrlch.
Nice to meet @rickhurst and @TwiceCircled at the Bristol Freelance Breakfast this morning. Thanks for arranging, @spyou!
@waiyeehong Are you like Santa? Can I write to you, too? I’d like world peace and some green tea, please.