Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 23rd, 2013

@maureenjohnson No, that’s the name of a game where they send you up in a plane and you have to choose the right parachute, surely?

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What the hell is that scary thing riding the dog? Glad I don’t see TV adverts more often…

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@mhoulden Probably, but I’d never be able to read the screen.

via Echofon in reply to mhoulden

Right. Time to sit back down in my darkened room and work on code for the afternoon. *cries* *waves goodbye to the sun*

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@hayles No, no, you have to leave a few in, or they’ll all be disappointed.

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@hayles Cool. Liking the style, generally. And it has vastly better grammar and spelling than the last few self-pub things I’ve read :D

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via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:47 PM, Apr 23rd, 2013 via Echofon)

@hayles Heh. Yeah, it has a habit of doing that. Maybe add a link to an article with well-formatted code examples, as a just-in-case?

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@hayles Liking it so far, but didn’t get a long way in over lunch. One thing: quotes in code seem to be “curly” quotes on Kindle 3, so…

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@dangusset Nah, this really, really worked.

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Sitting outside in the sun awaiting lunch. Huzzah! @ Rubicon Too

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