“@dangusset: @gothick yep flickr.com/photos/gusset/…” <— That’s the one! Can’t be two with gold taps, surely!
@dangusset I’ll only know for sure if that one had gold taps behind the seat..?
@BlackDogDays @ShabbyBean Hurrah!
Though I can’t see the gold taps on this one to confirm it.
Hah! Given this references the Bristol Evening Post, I’m guessing it might have been this very one: blog.motorcycle.com/2009/04/23/fun…
@Sirius7dk I wish I’d got a photo.
@Thehappyfatgirl It was very cool. It didn’t look that comfy, though.
On my way home today I was overtaken by a motorcyclist whose sidecar was a bathtub, complete with gold taps.
@LouisTrapani What, no Wolf-359? :)
Indiechops “@ShabbyBean: MISSING CAT - please spread the word and let me know if you find him pic.twitter.com/CtNBLCOLw3” can anyone in Totterdown look pls