@Thehappyfatgirl @UnbrokenReality @stillawake @nineweeks @liveindetail @MsMottram Good for me.
@tyronem Aggressive surrealism?
Just watched _Love Is All You Need_ at @wshed. Sweet.
Puntastic. instagram.com/p/Ysuz45JCwr/
About to watch something arty at @wshed. Hopefully avoiding spitting swans.
@waiyeehong I would like to reassure you that the subtitle there is “just say no!”
@LeadHyperion Ouch!
Got a room to myself at the Tobacco Factory to use for an office this afternoon. Bonus! @ The Tobacco..instagram.com/p/YsS0_sJCz0/P4
@LeadHyperion At least you spotted it. That’s the kind of error in a config that can have you staring at the wrong problem for hours…
Rust never sleeps instagram.com/p/YsJ4iypC6S/
Heading for North Street.
@danoliver What, the middle-class entitlement, or the cycling? *ducks*
@artsandwriting @jonhickman My net.fame has clearly bumped up a few notches to “mostly insignificant” today :)
@caitlinmoran *blushes*

I’m not sure what npgtpo3dautopludoesn Safari plugin is, but I think its CPU usage is taking the piss just a touch. pic.twitter.com/Qlev5l1yxc
mattgemmell Devs release pirated version of their own game-dev sim, set up to make players fail due to piracy. greenheartgames.com/2013/04/29/wha…
@PeteWilliams He was alternating drinking harbour water with trying to steal our nachos. It was an accident waiting to happen.

@PeteWilliams To be fair, it was more of a dribble. This was the culprit (with the right photo this time): pic.twitter.com/kwm8lhpTqr
@PeteWilliams Hah! Thanks for the tip-off :D
PeteWilliams @gothick You sir, are famous (in the most middle-class of ways) - buzzfeed.com/lukelewis/midd…
_SpikeIsland Just a few days to go until the 2013 #SpikeOpen! Join us this weekend for artists’ studios, activities and more! bit.ly/107gNB2