@benjohnbarnes Erm. If I knew what one was, I might be.
@ahnlak You can stick something in robots.txt to rate-limit Bing, I think. Not sure.
@ahnlak ?!
Back from the shops. Slight scared by colour of my new running shoes. instagram.com/p/Ym82xZJC46/
I think I’m in love with The Portcullis’s sign-writer. @ The Portcullis instagram.com/p/Ym7vIZpC32/
Ninja_lynneja @gothick Just tweeting you to let you know I’ve texted you to tell you I’ve emailed you. The fax about this tweet is on its way.
Don’t send me a text telling me you’ve sent me an email. If you want to know why, don’t send me an email at all.
Just gave up buying ham in Sainsbury’s because plethora of contradictory special offers meant I had no idea how much it would cost. #oldman
“Just popping out on my Nespa. Maybe I’ll hit up the record store for some new ninyl. instagram.com/p/YmyPkdpC_d/
@Ninja_lynneja At last! A use for the Yellow Pages!
@Ninja_lynneja *Fetches small crane*
@Ninja_lynneja I’m seventeen stone. Pretty sure my sitting on your shoulder would prevent you from doing anything at all…
@Ninja_lynneja I’m not even planning on checking it while I’m home.
@Ninja_lynneja Why? Why do we do it to ourselves? Kindle should have sound effect of creaking bookshelf when overloaded.