MichaelPDeacon Has the Darwin Award ever been given to a country
@JannerTM Yeah. Though I only have that problem during Porridge Season 😀
@jukesie Walk *away* from the light.
@ChristinaMcMc So maybe they’re doing name analysis to see whether they should follow you as a fake man or a fake woman?
@ChristinaMcMc I get women with names just like that on Instagram, and they definitely seem the spammy type. Goodbye, pammylee46532577657, with your one follower and 1846 people you’re following and 0 actual posts…

@ArryMatt *Empathises strongly* pic.twitter.com/Kd3AfdAlSx
Alan Schaller: Streets in Mind - SmugMug Films youtu.be/v4H6eWEdGLM via @YouTube
bbcrb Independent coffee chain @BTPcafes said it has seen sales fall by £250,000 since it banned single use cups last summer bbc.co.uk/news/uk-englan…
I reckon Ocado could make a lot of money if they did the equivalent of those stands by the checkouts. “Hi. It’s your Ocado driver here. I’ve five minutes away. Your shopping looks really healthy. Would you like to add a Dairy Milk and a multi-pack of Frazzles for a fiver?”
@ahnlak I have faith in my earth leakage detectors. I still had the shower :D
So, it’s going to be one of *those* mornings, is it?
*Pulls bathroom light cord* *nothing happens* *notices hand is wet from cord and the pull is gently dripping*