Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 5th, 2019

That moment of slightly guilty regret when a show kills a character in a move that’s great story, but it was someone you fancied.

via Twitter for iPhone from Bristol, England

I love this. Also, he was working in Bristol when he first “macadamised” a road, about a mile away from me, in Ashton Gate.…

via Twitter for iPhone from Bristol, England

@marcoarment @zcichy (Plus a stereo pair of Echo Pros is still, I think, cheaper than a single HomePod!)

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@marcoarment @zcichy Amazon will let you have a stereo pair of Echo Pros plus a subwoofer now, and they sound pretty good. I have not heard a stereo pair of HomePods for comparison, though.

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@UrsulaWJ I love stuff like that. Loved the wall at Bookbarn last week.

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@benjohnbarnes @dangusset So, Mrs Beeton, what gave you the idea to approach your publisher, the strapped-for-cash yet ambitious Mr Beeton?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to benjohnbarnes from Bristol, England

@TNeenan @mattleys Pretty sure she’s already got on the wrong rail replacement bus by now.

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dangusset For don’t forget that Mrs Beeton’s All About Cookery tells you to boil your carrots for 1 to 1½ hours. You don’t want any dangerous nutrients left

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:13 AM, Apr 5th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)